Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Oregon offers students and faculty a close-knit community in which to learn, discover, and innovate, in a shared quest for computational solutions to a spectrum of challenging problems. We are home to state-of-the-art research in several fields of computing ranging from foundational theory for programming languages to applications in data science, with substantial research groups in high performance computing, networking and distributed systems, and machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Computer Science News

Researchers and tech professionals from around the world gathered on campus for a hands-on programming workshop with Advanced Micro Devices, an industry leader in high-performance computing. Research teams from universities such as MIT, Stanford, and more traveled to the School of Computer and Data Sciences for the three-day hackathon, the first of its kind in North America.
Student coders put their creativity to the test at QuackHacks, a 24-hour hackathon organized by computer science students. More than 100 participants, from seasoned computer veterans to those entirely new to coding, showed up for the hackathon Jan. 18-19.
The College of Arts and Sciences’ Computer Science Department received a $500,000 grant through the Future Ready Oregon program to strengthen UO’s cybersecurity program and fund an outreach initiative in Oregon high schools that will help encourage students to pursue cybersecurity careers.

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What you can do with a degree in Computer Science

Our educational programs combine a strong computer science core curriculum with an array of cutting-edge topics. Students at all levels are prepared to step forth to make meaningful and high-quality contributions in the field of computing, going on to successful careers as software developers and engineers, data scientists, systems analysts, and cybersecurity personnel.

Helping you find your path in Computer Science

Amir Veyseh

“I appreciate the fact that we had the freedom to follow our research interests while still benefiting from the faculty’s constant support. It helped me to be more productive in my Ph.D. and gain the experience that can help me in my future career. Also, since the department provides a variety of options for the curriculum, I was able to choose the path that best fits into my research.”

—Amir Pouran Ben Veysey, PhD, '23

Our Degree Programs

The CS major includes interdisciplinary and internal tracks to prepare our students for future careers in this rapidly changing field. The Mathematics and Computer Science (MACS) degree offers students the opportunity to study computer science while retaining strong foundations in mathematics.

The master's degree program in CS provides students with advanced coursework in the field of computer science as well as opportunities to complete an in-depth project or to become involved in research. The Ph.D. is an advanced degree reserved for students who demonstrate both a comprehensive understanding of computer science and an ability to do creative research.

Class of 2024

Fedi Aniefua

BS, Mathematics and Computer Science

Fedi Aniefua will be heading to Seattle soon after his Spring 2024 graduation—he just landed a job as a software developer for Amazon. But before leaving Eugene, this MaCS major (and anime aficionado) would like to give credit to those who helped take him the distance.

Read Fedi's story

Fedi Aniefuna
A professor helps a student on a laptop

Learn from Experts in the Field

Our faculty are international leaders in their fields including:

  • Informatics 
  • Networking
  • Security
  • Software engineering
  • Assistive technologies
  • Theory
  • Scientific visualization
  • High-performance computing

We are home to the Center for Cyber Security and Privacy, which serves as a cutting-edge hub for interdisciplinary research and collaboration in cybersecurity and accepts student assistants.

Faculty Spotlight

Phil Colbert

Phil Colbert

Director of the computer information technology minor in the Department of Computer Science

Senior Instructor Phil Colbert is one of three recipients of the Tykeson Teaching Award, an annual prize given to one outstanding faculty member in each division of the College of Arts and Sciences who goes above and beyond in the classroom.

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Brittany Erickson

Brittany Erickson

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Assistant Professor Brittany Erickson, a native of the San Francisco Bay Area, had her first encounter with an earthquake in 1989. She was an 8-year-old, playing outside when Loma Prieta violently shook California’s Central Coast at a magnitude of 6.9 and a maximum Modified Mercalli intensity of IX. The event was terrifying and memorable.  

Fast forward to 2024 and Erickson now holds a joint position in the UO Computer Science and Earth Sciences departments, using computational mathematics and machine learning to address outstanding questions in earthquake science.

Read the story

Real World Experience

Get Real-World Experience

The UO Cyber Security Operations Center offers students interested in a career in cybersecurity the opportunity for exposure to professional, hands-on learning experiences. Students are encouraged to attend our annual security day, enter competitions across the department, join student groups, and get involved in research during their time at the UO.

Once a Duck, Always a Duck

Liz Olson, CS Alumni student

Liz Olson '17

Computer Science major

Since graduating in Computer Science from UO in 2017, Liz Olson has held a steady focus on the study of robotics. More specifically, she’s been researching perception in robotics or, how robots learn from sensory data—how they perceive, comprehend and reason. 

Now, having almost completed her PhD at the University of Michigan, Olson has set her sights on academia and industry to continue her research.

Read Liz's story

Battle to Learn

Saghar Salehi

Major : Computer Science

"We were girls, we were doing science, we were building robots.” College of Arts and Sciences computer science student Saghar Salehi has vivid memories of the work she and her fellow “dreamers” were pursuing at school in Afghanistan. “We were all about proving that the world of engineering and computer science was not the exclusive domain of boys.” 

Read about Saghar’s story on CAS Connection

Read Saghar's story

Saghar Salehi

Scholarships and Funding

Multiple grants are available to help fund undergraduate and graduate CS students. Our PhD students are fully supported by various research funding sources, including the National Science Foundation, Army Research Office, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, and Department of Energy.

Undergraduate Scholarships Graduate Funding

Academic Support

CS advisors are here to help guide students through their entire undergraduate program. Students will be assigned a "track advisor" who oversees student progress through the CS major, and can advise students on how to best prepare for grad school, internships, jobs, etc.

Undergraduate Advising Graduate Student Support